
Nature Data
A Case Study On Nature Data

Nature is important to African societies and the African economy. Africa is rich with natural capital and has a wealth of indigenous and local knowledge. Africa is losing biodiversity at an alarming rate, caused by a few key drivers of change. Nature loss is a global problem which countries, regulators, and standard setters are addressing….

A CASE STUDY ON NATURE DATA – Development Bank of Southern Africa

Nature is important to African societies and the African economy. Africa is rich with natural capital and has a wealth of indigenous and local knowledge. Africa is losing biodiversity at an alarming rate, caused by a few key drivers of change. Nature loss is a global problem which countries, regulators, and standard setters are addressing….

Framework for a national nature strategy

Facilitating the development of national nature strategies that are aligned with the Convention on Biological Diversity. The present report was prepared by staff at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). The authors would also like to thank staff at FSD Africa for their invaluable input during the drafting process. This report builds on…

Executive summary of the recommendations of the TNFD

Our society, economies and financial systems are embedded in nature, not external to it. The prosperity and resilience of our societies and economies depend on the health and resilience of nature and its biodiversity. Healthy ecosystems are a prerequisite for the sustained flow of ecosystem services that communities need to survive and flourish, and that…

MSCI ESG Fixed Income Solutions

ESG Fixed Income Solutions are designed for institutional investors looking to integrate ESG factors into the investment process, identify ESG-driven investment risks that may not be captured by conventional analysis, or screen companies in alignment with values or mandates. Coverage includes 14,000 total issuers including subsidiaries and more than 680,000 equity and fixed income securities…

Materiality of potential dependencies

To assess the potential importance of the contribution an ecosystem service makes to a production process, and the materiality of the impact if this service is disrupted, two aspects were considered: How significant is the loss of functionality in the production process if the ecosystem service is disrupted? Limited loss of functionality: the production process can…

Natural capital assets

UNEP-WCMC have developed a hierarchical natural capital asset classification to support the identification of natural capital assets which underpin ecosystem services. The classification was primarily developed because existing classifications were alone not fit-for-purpose. The development of a standardised, scientifically robust and fit-for-purpose classification, which consolidates and modifies existing classifications, enables consistent identification and description of…

Underpinning natural capital assets and potential drivers of environmental change

After linking economic sectors to the ecosystem services they depend on, it is important to understand how these services are provided by natural capital assets and how they might be influenced by drivers of environmental change such as pollution and climate change. Identifying the natural capital assets underpinning each ecosystem service and the potential drivers…