Our Mission

Our mission is to catalyse nature-positive African economies, enabled by a financial sector that recognises and acts on nature-related risks and opportunities.

Working across public and private sectors, we support approaches to policy, regulation, and investment that maximise the opportunities for sustainable growth from and for Africa’s natural capital.

Nature Voices Pledge

We, the members of the African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA), recognising the critical role of nature in our continent’s well-being and sustainable development, pledge to uphold the following principles and commitments:
1. Acknowledging the Importance of Nature: We acknowledge the intrinsic value of nature and the essential services it provides for all life on Earth. We understand that the preservation and restoration of natural capital are fundamental for the prosperity of present and future generations.

Why we need to act now

Nature is the cornerstone of Africa’s growth. Up to 62% of its GDP is highly or moderately dependent on nature or natural systems. But our natural resources are being degraded by overexploitation, overpopulation, land-use changes and climate change are among the key drivers of nature loss in Africa causing great threats to economic stability and prosperity. $195 billion is the estimated yearly loss of natural capital in Africa. For example, overexploitation has caused the stock of mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles to fall by ~65% between 1970 and 2016, for instance in the Congo Basin and Freshwater biodiversity has also declined 84% since 1970.

These have real ramifications for the economy and resultant financial risk. According to Oceanpanel.org, climate change and ocean acidification are expected to cause the destruction of 72% of coral reef habitats by 2100; and overfishing and pollution are further damaging the ocean ecosystems. As a result, Egypt may lose up to 94% of coral reef tourism-related value.

Behind the breakthrough: Catalysing Economic Sustainability in Africa

In this insightful discussion, Sandra Villas from Oliver Wyman hosts Dorothy Maseke, the lead for Nature Finance and the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures at FSD Africa, and head of the African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA) they explore the vital role of nature in Africa’s economy, the risks posed by environmental degradation, and the innovative financial solutions being developed to foster sustainability and resilience across the continent.

Learn about Dorothy’s inspiring journey, the mission of ANCA, and the impactful work being done to catalyse nature-positive African economies. Don’t miss this compelling conversation on the intersection of finance, nature, and sustainable development.

Our Members

In Their Words

  • Our vision at Fidelity Insurance is Safeguarding Livelihoods. As an insurance service provider, we are aware that we cannot achieve our vision without taking the context of the environment in which we operate into account. The effects of climate change exacerbate natural risks such as flooding, drought, and forest fires. These risks worsen the financial situation of our partners and ourselves. 

    We therefore join ANCA to gain technical knowledge and capacity in nature and climate change risks and together help in shaping and driving actions which will preserve nature for our economic sustainability and for the future generations.

    Richard Marisin
    Managing Director, Fidelity Insurance.
  • CrossBoundary is thrilled to join the African Natural Capital Alliance. We are committed to scaling finance for nature, on fair terms for all stakeholders, across the continent through our investment advisory services and The Fund for Nature. Africa is uniquely suited to play a central role in addressing the twin climate and biodiversity crises, and to benefit from the enormous economic value that it creates.

    Kate Wharton
    Managing Director & Head of Natural Capital, CrossBoundary.
  • AWF is delighted to be part of the newly formed ANCA, given the urgent need for the private sector to build in and report on environmental impacts and risks in business strategies.  This trend towards environmentally responsible business presents a huge opportunity for public private partnerships to close the massive finance gap that currently exists for the protection of biodiversity and the ecosystem services that underpin the well-being of all life on earth. We look forward to engaging.

    Andrea Athanas
    Vice President Enterprise and Investment, African Wildlife Foundation.
  • “Africa is a global resource center whose nature capital remains at threat. Irresponsible utilization of this capital without replenishment is detrimental to the future of our continent. It is for this reason that we advocate the initiative by African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA) to save the value chain through initiatives to save nature in Zambia. 

    We pledge our commitment towards joining the ANCA in echoing the need for nature preservation even as we support climate resilience efforts as the two run in parallel. We are elated to partner with ANCA in shaping the future of nature risk management and harnessing opportunity in the space.” 


    Zambia National Commercial Bank
    Member of ANCA


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$195 billion

Africa’s estimated annual natural capital loss.


Share of Africa’s GDP that is dependent on nature.


share of Sub-Saharan Africa population that depends on forest and woodlands for their livelihoods.


Africa’s total wealth made up of natural capital.