Nature Voices Pledge

Nature Voices Pledge

We, the members of the African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA), recognizing the critical role of nature in our continent’s well-being and sustainable development, pledge to uphold the following principles and commitments:

1. Acknowledging the Importance of Nature: 
We acknowledge the intrinsic value of nature and the essential services it provides for all life on Earth. We understand that the preservation and restoration of natural capital are fundamental for the prosperity of present and future generations.

2. Emphasizing the African Context:
We recognize that Africa’s rich biodiversity and ecosystems are unique and irreplaceable. We appreciate the significance of safeguarding and sustainably managing our natural heritage to support resilient economies, promote social equity, and enhance the quality of life for all Africans.

3. Assuming Responsibility as Financial Institutions:
We affirm our role as African financial institutions to establish a distinct voice and actively contribute to the global conversation on nature. We commit to mobilize our resources, expertise, and influence to promote nature-positive practices within our institutions and across the African financial sector.

In line with our commitment to a nature-positive African continent, we pledge to take the following actions:

  • Support Nature Conservation and Restoration: We will support initiatives that conserve and restore natural habitats, protect endangered species, and enhance ecosystem services. We will aim to support local communities in doing so.
  • Integrate Nature into Decision-Making: We will consider the impacts of our operations on ecosystems, biodiversity, striving for sustainability and resilience. We will integrate the value of nature into our business decisions.
  • Promote Sustainable Financing Solutions: We will explore financial products and services that promote nature-positive outcomes, and we will encourage sustainable investment.
  • Strengthen Transparency and Reporting: We will disclose relevant information on our nature-related risks, opportunities, and initiatives, aligning with international reporting frameworks and best practices.
  • Support Alignment of Policies and Regulations: We will engage in constructive dialogue with policymakers, regulators, and industry peers to advocate for nature-centered policies, regulations, and incentives. We will support the development of frameworks that integrate the true value of nature into economic systems.
  • Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: We will actively participate in platforms, forums, and partnerships that foster collaboration and knowledge sharing on nature-related topics.

By signing this Nature Voices Pledge, we, the members of the African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA), commit ourselves to these principles and actions. We recognize the urgency of our mission and the transformative power of collective efforts. Together, we will contribute to a sustainable future.