MSCI ESG Fixed Income Solutions

MSCI ESG Fixed Income Solutions

ESG Fixed Income Solutions are designed for institutional investors looking to integrate ESG factors into the investment process, identify ESG-driven investment risks that may not be captured by conventional analysis, or screen companies in alignment with values or mandates. Coverage includes 14,000 total issuers including subsidiaries and more than 680,000 equity and fixed income securities globally, including the most common issuer types of a fixed income portfolio. MSCI ESG Fixed Income research and ratings are also used in the construction of the MSCI Fixed Income ESG Indexes and the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI ESG Fixed Income.

Understand Risks that may not be captured by conventional metrics MSCI ESG Ratings identifies key ESG issues that hold the greatest potential risk for each sector and specific issuer, including operational and extra financial risks often overlooked in traditional credit analysis. Support ESG integration and PRI compliance Integrating ESG into the investment process is the first requirement for PRI signatories and is increasingly being mandated and scrutinized by asset owners. MSCI ESG Research’s ESG fixed income research is a critical tool to integrate ESG across all asset classes. Align with values and client mandates Screen fixed income portfolios to meet mandates, monitor investments for possible violations of global norms and conventions, and align with requirements on religious, ethical, or other relevant ESG criteria.

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