Enhancing conservation and resilience through biocredits: Collaborative market design through South-South learning

Enhancing conservation and resilience through biocredits: Collaborative market design through South-South learning

Biodiversity being inherently local, how can we ensure nature’s custodians play a key role in shaping biodiversity credit market’s governance, price setting and principles? How do we embed these stakeholders across national and international processes? What are the practical pathways to integrate local communities and Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge, needs, interests and relationship to stewarding nature into market development and governance, and how can these pathways centrally inform regional and global nature market governance in the future?

This dialogue represents an important step to raise the question of what it is we want to see in the development and expansion of an equitable biodiversity credit market and how it should be governed so that it becomes a promising and sustainable financial mechanism aligned with the objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework.

This event will directly contribute to the Global stocktake by adopting a solutions-oriented approach, bridging the political and technical divides to enable scalable financial mechanisms with a potential global impact on outcomes for nature and humanity. It will do this by bringing together development and governance learnings from the Amazon and Africa as well as the input and views of financial actors.

Event Details
  • Organizers : FSD Africa and Nature Finance
  • Date : December 5, 2023
  • Location : Global Climate Action Zone,
  • Venue : Lab 2: Al Jeer